Hello there! I go in community with the name Ch8n. I'm a mobile technology enthusiast! love Android #kotlinAlltheWay, want to explore all opportunities around it! CodingMantra: #cleanCoder #TDD #SOLID
All you need to Know about String in Java. · Originally Posted on https://chetangupta.net/strings/ In any Programming languages to perform any kind of...
Let’s solve a question and learn more about it. · Originally post on https://chetangupta.net/bbk8/ Hi, I’m back with another question, and it’s very...
Don't be a Java-ish dev in a Kotlin-ish world, improve your knowledge about Koltin Standard Library and write better Kotlin code. ✌🏻 If your Java dev...
Hola Amigos! 🙌, I do tech blogging at AndroidBites, do check it out. This page is dedicated to my learning of DataStructure. I never took time to...
I'm pretty late to the party but here is my blog on view-binding, It's pretty much more in-depth than others you would find in the...